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The MrBeast Production Playbook: What You Need to Know (leaked memo)


How to Crush It at MrBeast Production (according to MrBeast...)

So, you want to work for MrBeast? Get ready because I dove deep into his guide, and spoiler alert: it’s no cakewalk. If you think you’ve got what it takes to make YouTube’s biggest, craziest videos, buckle up. Here are the top things you need to know before entering this circus.

I will include a link to the PDF HERE so you can read all about it, but DAMN does this thing polarize an audience. Many people are talking about canceling Mr. Beast, and many are talking about what it takes to be at this level. The guy is also being sued!

Either way, there are some tactical takeaways in this book! Take a look at my top 5 takeaways below and how it can apply to us (not billionaires...)

1. “This Ain’t Hollywood, and That’s a Good Thing”

First off, if you came here thinking you’ll be directing some artsy, slow-burn film destined for Sundance, think again. MrBeast doesn’t care about highbrow production techniques or 8-month timelines. YouTube moves fast, and you’ll need to be even faster. The goal isn’t to make Oscar-worthy films; it’s to make viral, jaw-dropping spectacles every week. And guess what? You’ve got to do it on a budget—so keep your Hollywood ideas in the trash where they belong.

Speed is critical, especially in the YouTube world. Being able to bang out videos quickly is a key component here. He obsesses over the minutes!

2. The Only Thing That Matters: Getting People to Watch

If you’re not obsessed with CTR, AVD, and AVP, you might as well quit now. These three letters control your entire existence. It’s all about making people click, stick around, and watch ‘til the end. Every single second counts—especially the first minute. If you blow that, congratulations, you’ve failed. In this world, there are no participation trophies for effort. If your video doesn’t go viral, it’s back to the drawing board (or out the door).

I think a lot of this is pretty obvious, but when did you last check your analytics? I know we talk about this stuff a lot, but are we making changes based on what the metrics show? I don't think we are making enough adjustments. 

3. Work Smarter, Not Longer (Because No One Cares About Your Hours)

Here’s the deal: you can pull all-nighters and work 20-hour days, but if your results don’t show it, who cares? You’ll be judged by what you deliver, not by how many hours you grind. This place is for A-players, not clock-watchers. If you’re just here to collect a paycheck and skate by, guess what? You’ll be shown the exit. MrBeast wants obsessives, not clock-punchers.

This one resonated with me. For my staff, I don't track hours, just results. I think this creates a better work environment and gives my employees some ownership (they know what they need to do and if they do it faster, then they get more free-time). 

4. Creativity > Money (Because Doritos Are Cheaper Than Cash)

Think you can throw cash at a problem to make a great video? Sorry, that’s not how it works here. Creativity beats money every single time. Why give away $20,000 when you could give away a year’s supply of Doritos and make it funnier for way less? The goal isn’t just to spend big—it’s to think big. Use your brain, not your wallet, and watch the magic happen. MrBeast didn’t become the king of YouTube by playing it safe and throwing money at every problem.

Most of us don't have a fraction of the budget that Mr. Beast has, but we can still put together some very great content bc of our creativity skills. He gives a really good example of how to create videos with what you are given (no babies were harmed during his examples). 

5. Mistakes Will Happen (But Don’t Make the Same One Twice)

You’re going to screw up. A lot. And that’s fine—once. The only thing that’ll get you in trouble is not learning from your mistakes. Everyone here has made a million-dollar mistake at least once, but they learned and got better. If you’re not getting better and you keep screwing up the same things? Well, there’s the door. This is all about progress—if you’re not obsessed with leveling up, you’ll get left behind.

This was one of my favorite topics, especially the line above reading "written communication..". This is why I always acknowledge emails and have my read receipts on. 

Working at MrBeast’s production company isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s chaotic, fast-paced, and a constant race to outdo yourself. But if you can handle the pressure, the insane deadlines, and the drive to create the next viral hit, you might just survive. Just remember: think smarter, be creative, and always, ALWAYS deliver.

Ready to make YouTube history? Or ready to quit? Either way, it’s gonna be one hell of a ride.

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